The library
"May you flesh be kept from all affliction..."
What in your life has felt especially sweet lately?
"May you flesh be kept from all affliction..."
What in your life has felt especially sweet lately?
"Everything that is loved on earth..."
Visualize inhaling love and truth with each breath...
"Everything that is loved on earth..."
Visualize inhaling love and truth with each breath...
“Let love lead your soul..."
What helps you feel at home in your body and soul?
“Let love lead your soul..."
What helps you feel at home in your body and soul?
“The image of Your beauty never leaves..."
How can you cultivate more beauty in your world?
“The image of Your beauty never leaves..."
How can you cultivate more beauty in your world?
“There’s no shoreline on the way to love..."
When you think of letting go from a place of love, what comes to mind?
“There’s no shoreline on the way to love..."
When you think of letting go from a place of love, what comes to mind?
"Everything you see has its roots..."
What are the people, objects, or experiences that are important to you and how they may have deeper, unseen roots or connections?
"Everything you see has its roots..."
What are the people, objects, or experiences that are important to you and how they may have deeper, unseen roots or connections?